Travel Takeaways!
You know what it is like, you get home from your holiday and your family and friends ask you what the best bits were. These are what we at Travel Coordinates call Travel Takeaways! So we are introducing a new way we review all things travel related, whether it be the where, the how to get there or the what to do.
Each month we will post our Travel Takeaways! - A review of something travel related where we will highlight the 4 greatest things about the places we have been, the things we have done or the way we got there and we will highlight the 1 thing that didn’t go as planned, you should avoid or be aware of, or just the thing that made us want to blow off some steam.
And we would love your contributions as well, if you think we missed something or just want to say that you agree, then leave a comment and provide other Travel Coordinates clients get the most out of their next holiday and if you need any help getting your Travel plans Coordinated or advice on where to go, what to do or how to get there, then don’t hesitate to reach out.

- Hayley van Dinter